When Stella with THDShoppe asked me to be a part of her photo launch campaign, my first thoughts were no. No way, you can’t do this. I came up with a million reasons. I’ll have to find a babysitter, I am such a noob and can be so awkward in front of the camera, and my style game is just not up to par with hers and the rest of the girls going. Basically, I tore myself apart piece by piece. But, ultimately I decided to go and I am SO GLAD I did. Not only am I going to share some killer fashion pieces with you in this post; but I am also bringing you three reasons to step outside of your comfort zone.
#1 something great might happen

When you decide to plunge into something new, I can almost promise you that great things will come of it. Maybe not right away and you might not even feel like it’s great but I promise you’re taking steps in the right direction. Even while at the shoot I felt insecure and out of my element but, then when I got the photos back.. I was like “damn, I’m a badass.” Mostly, thanks to Stella’s amazing styling skills and Shannon’s photography. The photos turned out great and I am so happy I stepped out of my comfort zone to take them.

links: leather jacket // wide leg pants // tank top **use code TINATHD15 for 15% off your purchase

#2 you will grow and learn
Thanks to this shoot I feel a lot more comfortable and confident. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is one of the best (and only) ways to grow as a person. You might be reading this and confused on why it was so far out of my comfort zone, since I am a style blogger. Yes I do share style but I don’t consider myself a fashionista and I was with some of the biggest Cleveland style bloggers; it was intimidating. Not only, did I learn so much about getting a great photo but, the girls were so positive and uplifting.

This dress is still available and I’m obsessed. It was my favorite look of the day and it gave me total Sweet Home Alabama vibes. One thing I love about Stella’s picks is that everything is interchangeable and can be paired together. Like this dress looked awesome with the leather jacket. I also think it would be really cute with the graphic tee layered over it. Basically, she curates a collection and it all flows really well.

Meach // Stacy // Megan // Me // Samantha // Stella
#3 you’ll meet new people
When you step outside of your comfort zone, chances are you might meet some new faces too. At the shoot were girls I chat with regularly on Instagram but making a real life connection is so much fun! All of these women are inspiring entrepreneurs. Making a name for themselves in Cleveland and beyond! So proud to have linked arms with them. If something feels scary and out of your territory; DO IT I promise you’ll be happy you did. Want more life advice from me, lol!? Check out this post here. In the meantime head to THDShoppe and use code: TINATHD15 to shop everything you need for spring, and she also just released her resort line!