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School Work Portfolio

Hey, so with school just starting I thought this would be a perfect time to share! Are school papers and artwork already piling up at your house, like they are mine!? Are you a nostalgic mama who can’t throw anything away? Then keep reading because I have the perfect solution. I came up with this idea when I was teaching. I had each student in my class bring in a three-ring binder at the beginning of the year. Throughout the year we would do special portfolio pages but, we also would put random pieces of the child’s work. So, I decided I would also do this for my son. For the past two years I have saved most of what he made at preschool. Throughout the year I store the pieces in a travel file folder. Then, whenever that fills up I three whole punch the paper and put it in the binder. If it is something odd shaped I will just punch one whole so it still goes in the binder but can hang more freely.

At the end of the year we have a perfect portfolio that displays all of his hard work. It is easily stored on a book shelf, or in a closet. It helps to organize what can be a crazy, cluttered mess. Now, as a kindergartner the work he brings home is less artwork based and more worksheets but, I can’t wait to see how his handwriting and capabilities improve throughout the year. What are your organization hacks for your child’s work? 
