Here is a roundup of my favorite OHIO bloggers. I wanted to do this post because this year one of my main focuses in blogging is to network locally. With this goal, I have “insta met” so many amazing Ohio women. I wanted to share some of them with you. From fashion, beauty, lifestyle, home decor, motherhood & yoga there is someone to follow for everyone! I get questions about starting a blog a lot and one of the first things I always say is “blogging is best done in a community” and I believe it so wholeheartedly. Whether it’s through asking questions, leaning on them for support, looking for topics/brands it really is so important to find your tribe. Here is mine:

Erika with Peony and Honey is truly one of my favorite home decor accounts to follow for so many reasons. Her personality is so upbeat even through her struggles with different health issues. She has a modern farmhouse style and it is super unique. She recently painted her interior front door pink and I am totally copying her! Fun fact: she is a radio show host for a local Cleveland station.

One of my real life friends Alexa also has a blog. Her and I both started this journey around the same time. Her blog is great for tips/tricks to make the world a little greener. She is a fur mama + yoga instructor. I always look to her page for gratitude practice. She has great reminders on how to stay grounded. Which can be difficult in this social media world. Mats and Mutts is definitely worth the follow for feel good posts.

Jill with “Jill Comes Clean” and I bonded after we both joined Beautycounter. Since then she has also started up a few other businesses and she is killing it. Her and I bond over the trial and errors of growing your blogging community. I’m telling you guys it is not easy! Sometimes stuff works and lots of times it doesn’t but her and I always lean on each other for support. This is going to sound crazy but I honestly just love listening to her chat on her Instagram stories. She is so genuine and bubbly. She is from Cincinnati, which is about four hours from me but I hope to real life meet one day.

Samantha with The Samantha Show has been blogging for EIGHT years and is a full on boss babe! She has been my go to for blogging do’s and dont’s. She is a mom of three and keeps it very real. Life is not always picture perfect and I love that she shows the beautiful, ugly and everything in between. She has an edgy style and I love following along with her. She is so sweet and quick to answer any questions I have.

Olivia with Olivia Grace Skincare shares everything beauty you need to know right on her Instagram. She is my childhood bff and I’ve known her for nearly two decades. K, we’re getting old. She is an aesthetician and shares a ton of skincare but she also shares about makeup too. For example, I was using a CC cream and hated it, then Olivia shared how to properly use it and now I love the product. She has lots of great tutorials, tips and tricks.

Meach at My Versatile Style has the best functional style. Also, she’s totally husband approved because she is thrifty and only shares affordable finds. I love her page because she shows you how to wear pieces you probably have multiple ways. She’s the best aunty ever to her adorable niece. Her photography is beautiful, like seriously Meach who takes your photos!? Send them my way. Recently she did such a fun post with a bunch of local girls on how to style a denim jacket. Her pages is so fun to follow along with and she is so creative.
Well, there you have it! If you aren’t following along with these ladies, make sure you do! One of the best things about blogging is the amazing people i’ve met both IRL and insta!